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Contemporary Art Magazine

nowiswere is an accumulation ground for socio-political, aesthetic realities of the present; a gathering of artistic authorial positions of the status quo with a wide range of international participants.

Editors: Veronika Hauer & Fatos Ustek

Issue 5 is out!

Dear Readers,
Nowiswere is
from now on
available to be viewed and downloaded at

meet us at our new website and take your copy of Issue 5.

1,2,3,4 etc.

Download ISSUE 4
May, 2009

Fourth Issue includes: Black Box by Julius Pasteiner; A Leopard, Some Monkeys, Numerous Butterflies, Dozens of Peacocks and a Sublime Vista* by Edward Clydesdale Thomson; ‘I’m Thinking of You’ Franko B by Lisa Skuret; POST-PROPAGANDA An introduction by Jonas Staal; EMPTINESS IN THE POST-COMMUNIST CONDITION : Struggles of Self-Definition by Jurga Daubaraite; Gulliver’s Travel into an Art Installation: On History, Identity and Difference Yinka Shonibare, MBE – Egg Fight by Rana Ozturk; Hurvin Anderson Peter’s Series 2007 – 2009 by Marianne Mulvey; Tu Zeng by Fatos Ustek; Looking at digital pictures: The image as part of an epistemological system by Claus Gunti; Leap into Imagination The Islanders: An Introduction by Charles Avery by Rieke Vos; Smadar Dreyfus Mother’s Day by Fatos Ustek. Image based contributions by Jelena Martinovic; Martijn in’t Veld, and Rudolf Steckholzer. Cover commissioned by Tanja Widman.

Download ISSUE 3

Third issue includes Prologue by Veronika Hauer, Return Upon Return by Fatos Ustek, Is there sincerity in hollow speech? by Marianne Mulvey, Suh Yong by Jan Lemitz, Emptiness in the Post-Communist Condition by Jurga Daubaraite, Legacy and désaffecté spaces by Mara Ferreri as well as image-based contributions by Mandla Reuter, Hildegard Spielhofer and Jonas Zukauskas. Cover commissioned by Young In Hong.

Download ISSUE 2
October, 2008

The second issue includes The schizophrenia of Stefano Boeri by Mara Ferreri, T'ain't what you do by Claire Louise Staunton, Who is afraid of the Real? by Tobias Hering, Proposal for an Imagined Artwork by Gernot Wieland, Susan Hiller by Margit Neuhold, Schindlertryangles by Oona Peyrer-Heimstätt, Sehgal versus Darwin by Jurga Daubaraite, Martina Steckholzer by Veronika Hauer, Europe - A Grand Narrative by Fatos Ustek, Art in Armenia by Rana Ozturk and Image based contributions by Nicole Miltner, Martina Steckholzer. Cover commissioned by Yane Calovski; cover layout design by Povillas Utovka.

Download ISSUE 1
May, 2008

The first issue includes The Location of Now by Charles Heller; Laughing a loss of critical distance by Veronika Hauer; The visible and the invisible by Flora Peyrer-Heimstatt; How to overcome geographical attributions of art practice OR how to construct a whatever-community by Fatos Ustek; I will have spoofed the future by Manuela Zechner; It says what it does on the tin by Adeena Mey; reviews and texts on Stefan Saffer, Sarah Beddington, Taku Sugimoto, Jimmy Robert, Can Altay by Marianne Mulvey, Ola Wlusek. Maria Diekmann, Veronika Hauer and Fatos Ustek, respectively; an immediate release by Heman Chong; and a special image contribution by Henriette Heise.
Cover commissioned by Rudolf Steckholzer.


From the third issue onwards we will email the issues to the inboxes of our subscribers in small resolution. A higher resolution will be available for download on this blog.
If you want to become one of our subscribers e-mail with the subject 'subscribe me' to


TH (Thematics)
artists and writers are invited to produce a small contribution in text or image format, up to 1000 words and up to 4 pages, respectively. The themes source from individual articulations of a certain status quo.

EF (Expecting Future)
Is a sub section of Thematics, hosting texts pointing out possibilities of future and positioning the potentials of the to-come-true. As expecting future requires awareness of present, the section will be the gathering of the today's variety of practices, attitutes, tendencies.

AS (Artists Specials)
hosting evaluations on or interviews with artists. Each issue will
hold five artist specials.

CC - Critic's Corner
Hosts reviews on recent shows, concerts, events, performances...